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General Science: Biology Quiz (Cell: The Unit of Life)

Instructions: This quiz contains 20 multiple-choice questions. Select the most appropriate option for each question. After selecting an o…

General Science: Biology Quiz (Biomolecules)

Instructions: This quiz contains 20 multiple-choice questions. Select the most appropriate option for each question. After selecting an o…

General Science: Biology Quiz (Animal Kingdom)

Instructions: This quiz contains 20 multiple-choice questions. Select the most appropriate option for each question. After selecting an o…

General Science: Biology Quiz (Anatomy of Flowering Plants)

Instructions: This quiz contains 20 multiple-choice questions. Select the most appropriate option for each question. After selecting an o…

Mock Test: NEET Biology: Reproduction in Plants (2024)

Welcome to the "Reproduction in Plants" mock test! This test is designed to assess your knowledge and understanding of the reproductive pr…
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