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Mock Test: Precambrian Basement of the Indian Peninsula

Mock Test: Precambrian Basement of the Indian Peninsula

Explore the depths of the Precambrian basement in the Indian Peninsula with our comprehensive mock test. Test your knowledge on the divisions of Precambrian time, early Earth history, continent growth and break-up, the origin of life, and the intriguing characteristics of the Precambrian basement rocks. Challenge yourself and enhance your understanding of this fascinating geological topic.

Which era marks the earliest division of Precambrian time?
A) Archean
B) Proterozoic
C) Paleozoic
D) Mesozoic
Which eon represents the early history of Earth?
A) Hadean
B) Archean
C) Proterozoic
D) Phanerozoic
Which geological process contributed to the growth and break-up of continents during the Precambrian?
A) Volcanic eruptions
B) Plate tectonics
C) Glacial activity
D) Erosion by rivers
During which era did the origin of life occur?
A) Mesozoic
B) Archean
C) Paleozoic
D) Cenozoic
The Precambrian basement of the Indian Peninsula primarily consists of which type of rocks?
A) Sedimentary rocks
B) Igneous rocks
C) Metamorphic rocks
D) All of the above
Which of the following represents a division of Precambrian time?
A) Archean and Proterozoic
B) Paleozoic and Mesozoic
C) Cenozoic and Paleozoic
D) Triassic and Jurassic
What is the approximate age range of the Precambrian period?
A) 65 million years
B) 4.6 billion years
C) 541 million years
D) 2.6 billion years
Which continent was part of the supercontinent Rodinia during the Precambrian?
A) North America
B) South America
C) India
D) Australia
Which of the following represents the Precambrian shield in India?
A) Satpura Range
B) Dharwar Craton
C) Vindhyan Range
D) Himalayan Range
Which process led to the formation of the Precambrian basement rocks in the Indian Peninsula?
A) Crystallization of molten material
B) Deposition of sedimentary layers
C) Metamorphism of existing rocks
D) Weathering and erosion
Which geological era immediately followed the Precambrian?
A) Paleozoic
B) Mesozoic
C) Cenozoic
D) Phanerozoic
Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of the Precambrian era?
A) Abundance of complex multicellular life forms
B) Formation of continental crust
C) Evolution of photosynthetic organisms
D) Development of oxygen-rich atmosphere
Which of the following is an example of a Precambrian mountain range in India?
A) Aravalli Range
B) Western Ghats
C) Eastern Ghats
D) Himalayas
What is the approximate age of the Archean Eon?
A) 65 million years
B) 541 million years
C) 2.5 billion years
D) 4.6 billion years
During the Precambrian era, which supercontinent existed prior to the formation of Pangea?
A) Laurasia
B) Rodinia
C) Gondwana
D) Pangaea
Which of the following represents a period of the Precambrian?
A) Statherian
B) Jurassic
C) Cambrian
D) Devonian
Which type of rocks are commonly found in the Precambrian basement of the Indian Peninsula?
A) Limestone
B) Sandstone
C) Shale
D) Granite
What is the process by which continents collide and join together called?
A) Subduction
B) Rifting
C) Orogeny
D) Erosion
Which of the following is an important fossil found in Precambrian rocks?
A) Stromatolite
B) Trilobite
C) Ammonite
D) Dinosaurs
Which of the following represents a Precambrian shield in India?
A) Singhbhum Craton
B) Malwa Plateau
C) Deccan Plateau
D) Kutch Desert
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