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Statement 1: Olivine is commonly found in mafic igneous rocks such as basalt due to its high melting point.
Statement 2: Quartz, a common mineral in granite, often exhibits conchoidal fracture due to its crystal structure.
Statement 2: Quartz, a common mineral in granite, often exhibits conchoidal fracture due to its crystal structure.
Statement 1: Calcite, a mineral commonly found in limestone, effervesces in dilute hydrochloric acid due to its carbonate composition.
Statement 2: Muscovite, a common mineral in schist, often forms parallel alignment of its mineral grains due to directional pressure during metamorphism.
Statement 2: Muscovite, a common mineral in schist, often forms parallel alignment of its mineral grains due to directional pressure during metamorphism.
Statement 1: Feldspar is a common mineral found in both igneous and metamorphic rocks.
Statement 2: Mica minerals, such as biotite and muscovite, are characterized by their perfect cleavage and sheet-like structure.
Statement 2: Mica minerals, such as biotite and muscovite, are characterized by their perfect cleavage and sheet-like structure.
Statement 1: Gypsum, a sulfate mineral, is often used in the production of plaster of Paris.
Statement 2: Pyrite, also known as "fool's gold," is often found in association with quartz veins in metamorphic rocks.
Statement 2: Pyrite, also known as "fool's gold," is often found in association with quartz veins in metamorphic rocks.
Statement 1: Magnetite is a magnetic mineral commonly found in igneous and metamorphic rocks.
Statement 2: Hematite, an iron oxide mineral, often exhibits a reddish-brown streak when scratched on a rough surface.
Statement 2: Hematite, an iron oxide mineral, often exhibits a reddish-brown streak when scratched on a rough surface.
Statement 1: Chlorite is a common mineral in metamorphic rocks, often forming during the alteration of mafic minerals like biotite and amphibole.
Statement 2: Graphite, a form of carbon, is commonly found in metamorphic rocks such as schist and gneiss, where it forms under high-pressure conditions.
Statement 2: Graphite, a form of carbon, is commonly found in metamorphic rocks such as schist and gneiss, where it forms under high-pressure conditions.
Statement 1: Garnet is a group of silicate minerals commonly found in metamorphic rocks.
Statement 2: Feldspar minerals exhibit a range of colors, including white, pink, and green, depending on their composition and impurities.
Statement 2: Feldspar minerals exhibit a range of colors, including white, pink, and green, depending on their composition and impurities.
Statement 1: Quartz is a common mineral found in both igneous and sedimentary rocks.
Statement 2: Calcite, a carbonate mineral, often exhibits rhombohedral cleavage and effervesces in dilute hydrochloric acid.
Statement 2: Calcite, a carbonate mineral, often exhibits rhombohedral cleavage and effervesces in dilute hydrochloric acid.
Statement 1: Pyroxene minerals, such as augite and diopside, are commonly found in mafic igneous rocks.
Statement 2: Amphibole minerals, like hornblende and actinolite, often exhibit a fibrous or prismatic crystal habit.
Statement 2: Amphibole minerals, like hornblende and actinolite, often exhibit a fibrous or prismatic crystal habit.
Statement 1: Magnetite, an iron oxide mineral, is commonly found in sedimentary rocks like banded iron formations.
Statement 2: Galena, a lead sulfide mineral, often forms cubic crystals and is a primary ore of lead.
Statement 2: Galena, a lead sulfide mineral, often forms cubic crystals and is a primary ore of lead.
Statement 1: Biotite, a common mica mineral, is characterized by its dark color and perfect cleavage.
Statement 2: Orthoclase, a type of feldspar mineral, often forms as pink or salmon-colored crystals and exhibits two cleavage planes at nearly right angles to each other.
Statement 2: Orthoclase, a type of feldspar mineral, often forms as pink or salmon-colored crystals and exhibits two cleavage planes at nearly right angles to each other.
Statement 1: Fluorite is a mineral commonly found in hydrothermal veins and often exhibits fluorescence under ultraviolet light.
Statement 2: Halite, a mineral composed of sodium chloride, is commonly found in sedimentary environments such as evaporite deposits.
Statement 2: Halite, a mineral composed of sodium chloride, is commonly found in sedimentary environments such as evaporite deposits.
Statement 1: Sphalerite is a mineral commonly found in hydrothermal veins and is the primary ore of zinc.
Statement 2: Tourmaline is a complex borosilicate mineral that occurs in a variety of colors and is often used as a gemstone.
Statement 2: Tourmaline is a complex borosilicate mineral that occurs in a variety of colors and is often used as a gemstone.
Statement 1: Olivine is a common mineral in ultramafic igneous rocks such as peridotite.
Statement 2: Kaolinite, a clay mineral, is often formed by the weathering of feldspar-rich rocks like granite and is used in ceramics and as a filler in paper.
Statement 2: Kaolinite, a clay mineral, is often formed by the weathering of feldspar-rich rocks like granite and is used in ceramics and as a filler in paper.
Statement 1: Muscovite, a type of mica mineral, is commonly found in granite and schist.
Statement 2: Dolomite, a carbonate mineral, often forms as a replacement mineral in limestone and is commonly found in sedimentary rocks.
Statement 2: Dolomite, a carbonate mineral, often forms as a replacement mineral in limestone and is commonly found in sedimentary rocks.
Statement 1: Chalcopyrite is a copper iron sulfide mineral often found in hydrothermal veins associated with porphyry copper deposits.
Statement 2: Serpentine, a group of minerals, is commonly formed by the alteration of ultramafic rocks and is often used as a decorative stone.
Statement 2: Serpentine, a group of minerals, is commonly formed by the alteration of ultramafic rocks and is often used as a decorative stone.
Statement 1: Corundum is a mineral commonly found in metamorphic rocks such as schist and gneiss.
Statement 2: Barite, a sulfate mineral, often occurs in association with metallic ores and is used in drilling fluids in the petroleum industry.
Statement 2: Barite, a sulfate mineral, often occurs in association with metallic ores and is used in drilling fluids in the petroleum industry.
Statement 1: Azurite is a blue carbonate mineral often found in copper deposits and is a secondary mineral resulting from the oxidation of copper ores.
Statement 2: Gypsum, a sulfate mineral, is commonly used in the manufacturing of plasterboard and as a soil conditioner in agriculture.
Statement 2: Gypsum, a sulfate mineral, is commonly used in the manufacturing of plasterboard and as a soil conditioner in agriculture.
Statement 1: Pyrite, also known as "fool's gold," is a sulfide mineral commonly found in sedimentary rocks and hydrothermal veins.
Statement 2: Malachite, a green carbonate mineral, is often associated with copper deposits and forms as a secondary mineral through the weathering of primary copper ores.
Statement 2: Malachite, a green carbonate mineral, is often associated with copper deposits and forms as a secondary mineral through the weathering of primary copper ores.
Statement 1: Calcite is a common mineral found in limestone, marble, and chalk, and it often exhibits rhombohedral cleavage.
Statement 2: Pyrrhotite, a sulfide mineral, is commonly found in mafic and ultramafic igneous rocks and often exhibits a bronze to brass coloration.
Statement 2: Pyrrhotite, a sulfide mineral, is commonly found in mafic and ultramafic igneous rocks and often exhibits a bronze to brass coloration.