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General Science: Biology Quiz (The Living World)

General Science: Biology Quiz (The Living World)


  1. This quiz contains 10 multiple-choice questions.
  2. Select the most appropriate option for each question.
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What is the science of life forms and living processes called?
Biology is the science of life forms and living processes. It deals with the study of living organisms, their interactions, and their environments. Unlike chemistry or physics, which focus on non-living matter, biology specifically studies life and its processes.
Who is known as 'The Darwin of the 20th century'?
Gregor Mendel
James Watson
Ernst Mayr
Charles Darwin
Ernst Mayr, a Harvard University evolutionary biologist, is known as 'The Darwin of the 20th century'. His extensive work in evolutionary biology, particularly in species diversity and systematics, earned him this title.
What system of naming organisms is used by biologists worldwide?
Binomial nomenclature
Polynomial nomenclature
Trinomial nomenclature
Quadrinomial nomenclature
Biologists use the binomial nomenclature system to name organisms. This system, introduced by Carolus Linnaeus, assigns a two-part name to each species, consisting of the genus name and the specific epithet, ensuring that each organism has a unique and universally accepted name.
What does the genus name represent in binomial nomenclature?
The species
The group to which the species belongs
The individual organism
The habitat
In binomial nomenclature, the genus name represents the group to which a species belongs. It is the first part of the two-part scientific name and is always capitalized and written in italics.
What is the significance of systematics in biology?
It describes the physical appearance of organisms
It takes into account evolutionary relationships between organisms
It focuses only on the behavior of organisms
It is the study of non-living matter
Systematics in biology is significant because it takes into account the evolutionary relationships between organisms. It involves the identification, nomenclature, and classification of organisms based on their evolutionary history and relationships, providing a comprehensive understanding of biodiversity.
What is the process of naming living organisms called?
The process of naming living organisms is called nomenclature. It ensures that each organism has a unique and universally accepted name, which is crucial for clear communication and scientific study across the globe.
What principle is universally accepted by biologists for providing scientific names to organisms?
Binomial nomenclature
Polynomial nomenclature
Trinomial nomenclature
Quadrinomial nomenclature
Biologists universally accept the principle of binomial nomenclature for providing scientific names to organisms. This system, proposed by Carolus Linnaeus, ensures that each species has a unique and standardized name.
What does the term 'taxonomy' refer to in biology?
The study of ecosystems
The process of classification, identification, and naming of organisms
The study of cells
The study of heredity
In biology, taxonomy refers to the process of classification, identification, and naming of organisms. It is a systematic approach to organize and categorize the vast diversity of life based on observable characteristics and evolutionary relationships.
What is the basis of modern taxonomic studies?
External and internal structure, cell structure, development process, and ecological information
Only external structure
Only behavior and habits
Only ecological information
Modern taxonomic studies are based on various factors including external and internal structures, cell structure, development processes, and ecological information. These comprehensive criteria ensure accurate classification and understanding of organisms' relationships and evolution.
Who introduced the system of binomial nomenclature?
Carolus Linnaeus
Charles Darwin
Gregor Mendel
Ernst Mayr
The system of binomial nomenclature was introduced by Carolus Linnaeus. This system uses a two-part name for each species, consisting of the genus and specific epithet, and is universally used by biologists for naming organisms.
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