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General Science: Biology Quiz (Anatomy of Flowering Plants)

General Science: Biology Quiz (Anatomy of Flowering Plants)


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Which type of cells are found in the epidermal tissue system of plants?
Parenchyma cells
Collenchyma cells
Sclerenchyma cells
Epidermal cells
The epidermal tissue system primarily consists of epidermal cells, which form the outermost layer of the plant body. These cells are elongated and compactly arranged to provide protection.
What is the function of trichomes in plants?
Water absorption
Preventing water loss
Nutrient storage
Trichomes are epidermal hairs found on the stem and other parts of the plant. They help in reducing water loss due to transpiration by providing a barrier against environmental conditions.
Which tissue system in plants is responsible for the transport of water and nutrients?
Epidermal tissue system
Ground tissue system
Vascular tissue system
Dermal tissue system
The vascular tissue system, which includes xylem and phloem, is responsible for the conduction of water, minerals, and nutrients throughout the plant. Xylem transports water and dissolved minerals, while phloem transports organic nutrients.
In dicotyledonous stems, what is the arrangement of vascular bundles?
In a ring
In dicotyledonous stems, vascular bundles are arranged in a ring, which is a characteristic feature distinguishing them from monocotyledonous stems, where vascular bundles are scattered.
What is the primary function of root hairs?
Absorption of water and minerals
Root hairs are unicellular elongations of epidermal cells in roots. Their primary function is to increase the surface area for absorption of water and minerals from the soil, which are essential for the plant's growth and development.
Which layer of cells in the root contains Casparian strips?
The endodermis is the innermost layer of the cortex in roots and contains Casparian strips. These strips are made of suberin and help regulate the movement of water and minerals into the vascular system.
Which cells in the leaf are responsible for photosynthesis?
Epidermal cells
Mesophyll cells
Guard cells
Sclerenchyma cells
Mesophyll cells, which are found in the leaf between the upper and lower epidermis, contain chloroplasts and are the primary sites of photosynthesis in the plant. They convert light energy into chemical energy.
What is the characteristic feature of open vascular bundles?
Lack of cambium
Presence of cambium
Scattered arrangement
Absence of xylem
Open vascular bundles, found in dicot stems, have a cambium layer between the xylem and phloem. This cambium allows for secondary growth, which leads to the formation of secondary xylem and phloem tissues.
In monocotyledonous roots, how many xylem bundles are typically present?
Two to four
Four to six
More than six
Less than two
Monocotyledonous roots typically have more than six xylem bundles, a condition known as polyarch. This is a distinguishing feature from dicotyledonous roots, which usually have fewer xylem bundles.
What type of venation is observed in monocot leaves?
Parallel venation
Reticulate venation
Pinnate venation
Palmate venation
Monocot leaves exhibit parallel venation, where the veins run parallel to each other from the base to the tip of the leaf. This is in contrast to dicot leaves, which typically have reticulate venation.
Which cells in the leaf regulate the opening and closing of stomata?
Epidermal cells
Subsidiary cells
Palisade parenchyma cells
Guard cells
Guard cells are specialized cells in the epidermis of leaves that regulate the opening and closing of stomata. This regulation helps control gas exchange and water loss through transpiration.
What type of growth is associated with the vascular cambium in dicots?
Primary growth
Secondary growth
Tertiary growth
Quaternary growth
The vascular cambium in dicotyledonous plants is responsible for secondary growth, which leads to the thickening of stems and roots through the production of secondary xylem (wood) and secondary phloem.
Which plant tissue is responsible for the conduction of organic nutrients?
Phloem is the plant tissue responsible for the conduction of organic nutrients, primarily sugars, throughout the plant. This process is essential for distributing the products of photosynthesis to various parts of the plant.
What is the main characteristic of sclerenchyma cells?
Thick, lignified walls
Thin, flexible walls
Ability to divide
Presence of chloroplasts
Sclerenchyma cells have thick, lignified walls that provide mechanical support and strength to the plant. These cells are usually dead at maturity and are found in areas requiring rigidity and structural support.
In which part of the plant is the pericycle found?
The pericycle is a layer of cells found in the root, located just inside the endodermis and surrounding the vascular tissues. It plays a crucial role in the formation of lateral roots and contributes to secondary growth in roots.
Which type of cells are responsible for the storage of food in plants?
Sclerenchyma cells
Collenchyma cells
Parenchyma cells
Guard cells
Parenchyma cells are versatile and fundamental plant cells that are primarily responsible for the storage of food. These cells store starch, proteins, and other nutrients necessary for the plant's growth and development.
Which tissue in plants is primarily involved in the transport of water?
Xylem is the plant tissue primarily involved in the transport of water and dissolved minerals from the roots to the rest of the plant. It provides mechanical support due to the presence of lignified cell walls.
What is the function of the collenchyma tissue in plants?
Providing support
Water transport
Nutrient storage
Collenchyma tissue provides mechanical support and flexibility to the plant. It is characterized by thickened cell walls, especially at the corners, which allows the plant to withstand various mechanical stresses.
Which layer of cells in the leaf contains the most chloroplasts?
Upper epidermis
Palisade mesophyll
Spongy mesophyll
Lower epidermis
The palisade mesophyll layer contains the most chloroplasts and is the primary site of photosynthesis in the leaf. These cells are elongated and closely packed to maximize light absorption.
Which part of the root is directly involved in the absorption of water and minerals?
Root cap
Root hairs
Root hairs are extensions of epidermal cells that greatly increase the surface area of the root for the absorption of water and minerals. They are crucial for the efficient uptake of nutrients from the soil.
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